Quick update

So I haven't gotten the chance to do much with the bike in the last few weeks except for give it an occasional clean.

The weather has been altogether cack the last few weeks too so my lovely CB is fast becoming my dirty winter hack!

Have been ordering parts and have them all ready to go but just don't have the time and can't get the breaks to get them fitted. Currently in line are:

  • New levers

  • Clutch cable

  • Brake pads - both front and rear

  • an easy disconnect Fuel Coupling

  • new coolant

Going to have the brake pads done this week or else next week when I get paid. Would do these myself except on my daily driver I'd rather have something done professionally. Might replace the pads on the dt myself though (as soon as I get that project off the ground).

Hopefully getting a workshop sorted in the coming months. Until next time...